


  • APRIL 2020

    it all started out of passion. Nastya was bored by covid and was in search of a drink and ritual and hobby that could uplift her days and mood. coffee wasn't an option as it made her anxious, she couldn't find a good matcha in dublin. so nastya decided to shoot a few emails directly to farms in japan asking to send samples to dublin.

    little did she know that love for japanese culture that was born with films of yasujiro ozu and a sample of real matcha from a farm would turn into business endevour a few year later.

  • February 2022

    Nastya holding a pouch of matcha with omma first branding.

    Exactly from this image of the girl, holding a [chasen] matcha whisk on her head – omma branding started.

    *nastya was about to launch omma at the end of 2022, but then war broke out in her homecountry Ukraine and she postponed the launch to unforseeable future.

  • April 2023

    meeting one of the partner – matcha tea farmer (6th generation tea farmer) in Uji, Japan.

    Its an extra small family farm, where tea is growing beside the house, everything is done by hand. Every harvest chairman of the farm and his wife are calling the whole family and friends to help pick tea leaves.

  • APRIL 2023

    visiting our key partner in Shizuoka.

    our ceremonial grade matcha, is sourced from a small family farm in Miyazaki prefecture, cultivating the first flush organic okumidori leaves. Then its milled in Shizuoka, one of the oldest tea-producing regions. our matcha tea imparts a sweet aroma and light umami, leaving a cashew finish.

  • May 2023

    Nastya holding her first matcha tea ceremony for friends, along with presentation of her photos from Japan.

    When in Japan, in Shizuoka, she had a chance to learn tea ceremony from ah honoured tea master Mrs Hiroko-san, who has been doing tea ceremony for 70 years.

  • JUNE 2023

    We launched OMMA in dublin in June 2023 in our first cafe partner – Indigo&Cloth, which until now we call home to OMMA. We did our first public matcha ceremony and workshop, introduced matcha yuzu tonic and started OMMA education chapter.

  • 2023-2024

    DURING 2023 and 2024 we were focused on matcha education: partnering with cafes, running matcha trainings for their teams, doing tea ceremonies and sharing the unique culture of japanese tea with ireland

  • autumn 2024

    nastya did her 2d tea expedition around Japan, travelling all the way from Shizuoka, Kyoto, Uji, Wazuka, to Nishio, Fukuoka, Miyazaki, Hiroshima in search of unique tea stories and flavours. she lived on a farm with japanese tea family for a month, learnt tea ceremony, tea growing, processing and brewing.